Sunday, June 18, 2006

Islam in World Culture: Comparative Perspektif

Sebuah bunga rampai tentang wajah Islam di dunia. Tapi, saya membelakkan mata untuk satu artikel khusus yang ditulis oleh Anna Gade dan R Michael Feener berjudul 'Muslim Thought and Practice in Contemporary Indonesia'.

Namun ada beberapa pernyataan yang terasa janggal, yaitu halaman 212: Amin rais, who earned his doctoral degree in the United Stetes, led the Muhammadiya Muslim modernist organization beginning in 1993. Rais was received as a Muslim advocate of social justice and at time garnered significant support in a political coalition with Megawati Sukarnoputri. Previous anti Christian and anti-Chinse remarks and calls for the establishment of an Islamic state by Amien Rais, however, had caused considerable concern among his potential constituent, many Muslim among them.

Tulisan yang sengaja saya cetak tebal adalah kutipan yang 'ngawur'. Pak Amin tidak mengakui adanya negara Islam. Lalu, kenapa pernyataan ini tiba-tiba diambil begitu saja tanpa diteliti lebih dalam? Inikah keteledoran yang disengaja? Mungkin sang penulis yang bisa menjawabnya.

Inilah komentar penerbit atas buku tersebut:

Islamic fundamentalism is a growing political factor in world affairs. This work, based on the most recent scholarship, provides both explanatory essays and ready-reference components. An expert on Middle East history, Davidson explains the Islamic fundamentalist worldview and the actions and aims of those who adhere to it. He also addresses Islamic fundamentalist attitudes toward democracy, violence, and women. Ready-reference components include a timeline of events, biographical profiles of key Islamic fundamentalist leaders, 10 primary documents explaining Islamic fundamentalist views, a glossary of terms, an annotated bibliography, and a selection of photos.

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Mahasantri dan Calon Ulama

Seusai presentasi, Ust Bahaudin berfoto bersama. Mahasantri Ma'had Aly Ath-Thalibin Al-Anwar Rembang tergambar membawakan fikih tasawuf ...